Elias Dabbas

The Rise of the SEO Data Scientist with Elias Dabbas - SEO Week

Elias Dabbas: a deep dive into Python, his amazing library advertools, and visualizations

Elias Dabbas - Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash

Analyzing a website's crawled images

Michelin Guide dataset - interactive exploration

Getting started with Python & running an SEO crawler in 8 minutes - from scratch

GSC Dashboard Demo: Overview tables

Python + SEO, live webinar announcement

Creating text ads from long descriptions ADV_AD_FROM_STRING()

Automated digital marketing SEO / SEM reports with python

Evaluating content with LLMs

Using OpenAI's API to create custom email marketing message in bulk

GSC Dashboard Demo: filters and chart

Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash | 1. Overview of the Dash Ecosystem

An interactive dashboard for visualizing keyword trends in time, by tokenizing into tokens/bigrams.

Python + advertools script for downloading and visualizing an XML sitemap

Reproducibility in spreadsheets

GSC audit and analysis template - slides

Google Search Console analysis template with Python

Marketing data to Jupyter notebooks & interactive dashboards

8. Calculating Data Frequency and Building Interactive Tables

SEO audit and analysis template with Python and advertools

4. Data Manipulation and Preparation, Paving the Way to Plotly Express

10. Turbo-charge Your Apps with Advanced Callbacks